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Writer's pictureAudrey Brown

Are you living in Truth?

To those that walk with God.


The truth does not have many friends.

That's why those who love truth many times walks alone.


As a matter of fact they crucified and rejected Him when He came to demonstrate the greatest love ever displayed in the history of CREATION.

Rejoice child of God because the only history that matters is His-Story and you that follow Jesus are all a precious significant part of that story.


John 1:10 He was in the world, and the world was made by Him, and the world knew Him not.

11 He came unto His own, and His own received Him not.

12 But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the children of God, even to them that believe on His name:

13 Who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

So many that calls themselves by His name live lives of compromise, lukewarm believers that claims membership to a religious church system and organization of which the following scriptures speaks.

The call out of the influence of the world unto holiness is foreign and ignored by many and these people are going to be shaken through the approaching storm. They speak well of God but by their conduct really demonstrate that they are still in bed with the world.

2 Timothy 4

1 I charge you, therefore, in the sight of God, even the Lord Jesus Christ, Who is ready to judge the living and the dead at His appearing and His kingdom:

2 Preach the Word! Be urgent in season and out of season; convict, rebuke, encourage, with all patience and doctrine.

3 For there shall come a time when they will not tolerate sound doctrine; but according to their own lusts they shall accumulate to themselves a great number of teachers, having ears itching to hear what satisfies their cravings;

4 And they shall turn away their own ears from the truth; and they shall be turned aside unto myths.

5 But as for you, be vigilant in all things, endure hardships, do the work of an evangelist; fully carry out your ministry.

Hebrews 12

25 Beware that you do not refuse to hear Him Who is speaking! For if they did not escape judgment, who refused to hear the One Who was on the earth divinely instructing them, how much more severely will we be judged, if we ourselves apostatize from Him Who speaks from heaven;

26 Whose voice then shook the earth, but now He has promised, saying, "Yet once more I will shake not only the earth, but heaven also."

27 Now the words "once more" signify the removing of the things being shaken, as of things that were made, so that those things which cannot be shaken may remain.

👉 28 Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us have grace, through which we may serve God in a pleasing manner with reverence and awe;

29 For our God is indeed a consuming fire.

How many receive God's grace in vain?

2 Corinthians 6

1 We then, working together with Him, are also exhorting you not to receive the grace of God in vain.

2 (For He says, "In an acceptable time I have heard you, and in a day of salvation I have helped you." Behold, now is an acceptable time. Behold, now is a day of salvation.)

3 We do not give offense to anyone in anything, so that the ministry may not be blamed;

4 But in everything we are confirming ourselves as servants of God, in much endurance, in tribulation, in necessities, in distresses,

5 In stripes, in imprisonments, in tumults, in labors, in watchings, in fastings,

6 In pureness, in knowledge, in longsuffering, in kindness, in the Holy Spirit, in love unfeigned,

7 In the Word of truth, in the power of God; through the armor of righteousness on the right hand and on the left,

8 Through glory and dishonor, through evil report and good report, as deceivers and true,

9 As unknown and well known; as dying, but behold, we are alive; as chastened, but not put to death;

10 As sorrowful, but always rejoicing; as poor, but enriching many; as having nothing, yet possessing all things.

11 O you Corinthians! Our mouths have been opened to you, and our hearts have been enlarged toward you.

12 You are not suppressed by us, but you are restricted in your own hearts;

13 Now in return for our ministry to you (I am speaking to you as to children), you should also enlarge your hearts toward us.

14 Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and lawlessness have in common? And what fellowship does light have with darkness?

15 And what union does Christ have with Belial? Or what part does a believer have with an unbeliever?

16 And what agreement is there between a temple of God and idols? For you are a temple of the living God, exactly as God said: "I will dwell in them and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people.

17 Therefore, come out from the midst of them and be separate," says the Lord, "and touch not the unclean, and I will receive you;

18 And I shall be a Father to you, and you shall be My sons and daughters," says the Lord Almighty.

2 Corinthians 7

1 Now then, beloved, since we have these promises, we should purge ourselves from every defilement of the flesh and the spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.

2 Timothy 3

1 Know this also, that in the last days perilous times shall come;

2 For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, braggarts, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,

3 Without natural affection, implacable, slanderers, without self-control, savage, despisers of those who are good,

4 Betrayers, reckless, egotistical, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God;

5 Having an outward appearance of godliness, but denying the power of true godliness. But as for you, turn away from all these.

6 For from men such as these come those who are worming their way into houses, and are gaining control over empty-headed gullible women given over to various sins, being driven by all kinds of lust.

Delving deeper into this message, we can observe how it articulates the struggle many face when choosing to live according to their faith in a world that often promotes contrary values. The commitment to walk with God can indeed feel isolating, as those who embrace truth may find themselves at odds with prevailing societal norms. This tension between faith and culture highlights the courage required to remain steadfast in one's beliefs, even when the path is fraught with challenges and misunderstandings.

The passages from Scripture not only emphasize the importance of sound doctrine but also serve as a cautionary reminder of the dangers posed by a culture that may dilute or twist the essence of faith. The exhortation to "preach the Word" and remain vigilant underscores the urgency of sharing the truth, both for personal spiritual growth and for the edification of others. In a time when many are drawn to teachings that cater to their desires, the call to embrace sound doctrine becomes increasingly vital.

Moreover, the message encourages believers to reflect on their own lives and assess whether their actions align with their professed beliefs. The warning against living in compromise or being unequally yoked with unbelievers serves as a critical reminder to maintain a clear distinction between worldly influences and the pursuit of holiness. This separation is not just about avoiding negative influences but also about actively seeking a deeper relationship with God, cultivating a lifestyle that honors Him in thought, word, and deed.

As we consider the broader context of His-Story, we are reminded that each individual's journey is significant within God's grand narrative. Our experiences, struggles, and triumphs contribute to a larger tapestry of faith that ultimately glorifies God. This understanding can be a source of encouragement, reinforcing the idea that every effort made in pursuit of holiness is not in vain but contributes to a purpose far greater than ourselves.

Finally, the message invites us to embrace the hope that comes with faith. While the journey may be arduous and at times discouraging, it is also filled with the promise of grace and transformation. The assurance that we are part of a kingdom that cannot be shaken provides a profound sense of peace and purpose. It encourages us to press on, to be diligent in our faith, and to trust that our lives can reflect God's glory in a world that desperately needs to see His light.

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